Classification of Supply Chain Artificial Intelligence Application Scenarios


  • Xinhao Tang
  • Lingzhong Yu



Artificial intelligence, Supply chain management, Case studies, Application scenarios


The purpose of this paper is to classify and analyze the application scenarios of artificial intelligence in supply chain based on case studies of multinational companies. The paper first introduces the background and development of AI and discusses its current applications in supply chain management. Three main large-scale application areas are proposed, namely supply chain demand forecasting, risk management, and transportation operations planning. Three representative cases from Walmart, HP and UPS are reviewed based on the applied technologies, implemented processes, and advantages and disadvantages. As can be seen, this study contains meaningful recommendations to enhance the use of AI models in other industries and to adapt them to their characteristics. In conclusion, it can be said that AI has great potential to improve supply chain performance and resilience to adversity if conditions are taken into account in practical applications.


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How to Cite

Tang, X., & Yu, L. (2024). Classification of Supply Chain Artificial Intelligence Application Scenarios. Journal of Computing and Electronic Information Management, 15(3), 96-99.