A comparative study of e-commerce review sentiment analysis models based on VADER and RoBERTa


  • Yongli Bao




Sentiment Analysis, VADER, RoBERTa, NLP


The study compares the performance of two sentiment analysis models - VADER and RoBERTa - in analyzing Amazon product reviews. Using a dataset of reviews containing different star ratings, the study performed sentiment analysis on reviews using the VADER and RoBERTa models, respectively, and analyzed the performance of both on positive, neutral, and negative sentiment scores. The results show that the RoBERTa model performs well in capturing complex sentiment and contextual information, and especially has stronger recognition ability on extreme sentiments (e.g., 1-star and 5-star reviews.) The VADER model, although lightweight and fast, predicts weak correlation between sentiment scores and actual user ratings when dealing with complex semantics and long texts. This study provides reference value for sentiment analysis of user reviews on e-commerce platforms.


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How to Cite

Bao, Y. (2024). A comparative study of e-commerce review sentiment analysis models based on VADER and RoBERTa. Journal of Computing and Electronic Information Management, 15(3), 115-119. https://doi.org/10.54097/f6hyft52