Study on France and EU Eastward Expansion


  • Jun Liu



France, EU eastward expansion, Research


The large-scale eastward expansion of the EU has brought great opportunities and challenges to the EU's management. France, as a core country of the EU, is not enthusiastic about the eastward expansion, fearing that it will weaken its influence in the EU, but it voted in favor of the EU's eastward expansion. The reasons behind this include: the eastward expansion of the EU is an inevitable trend, it meets the strategic needs of Germany, and it is timely to partially realize the immediate interests.


[1] Li Shian, Liu Liyun. History of European Integration[M]. Shijiazhuang: Hebei People's Publishing House, 2003: 384.

[2] On June 4, 1998, the French National Assembly held an international seminar on "European Enlargement and Institutional Reform". Here is a quote from the speech made by Pierre Moscovici, French Minister of European Affairs, at the closing ceremony. Source: French National Assembly website:

[3] On April 25, 2013, the French major newspaper Le Monde published an article titled “Elargissement, le prix des bons sentiments”.


[4] [France] Dorothée Schmid. "From the Barcelona Process to the Mediterranean Union: A New Name or a Transformation ?" [J]. Source: French Institute of International Studies website

[5] [Polish] Stanislaw Parzymies, "France and Central Europe" [J]. Source : Thucydides Center website: HYPERLINK ""

[6] Su Ping, Yu Kunpeng. Chirac's EU policy[J]. Theoretical Circles, 2006 (6).

[7] [France] Jacques Chirac, Speech at the signing ceremony of the EU enlargement treaty. Source: European Knowledge Virtual Center website:

[8] The major French magazine Le Nouvel Observateur published an article on April 29, 2004 titled " Jacques Chirac: "L'Europe, une chance pour la France ", source:

[9] On November 26, 2003, the French major magazine Le Nouvel Observateur published an article titled "EU Enlargement: Raffarin lances the debate" ( Elargissement de l'UE: Raffarin lance le débat ), source:

[10] [France] Serge Krebs, "Elargissement: opportunities for entreprises and positionnement de la France "[J]. Réalité Industrielles. Nov. 2004: 26-32.

[11] Jacques Chirac, Total Europe website:

[12] The French National Institute of Statistics (Insée ) published a report in 2005 : "Comparison of the Export Performance of Industrial Products from France and Germany", which showed that Germany performed better than France in the Central and Eastern European and Asian markets. Source:

[13] On April 30 , 2014 , the French newspaper Le Figaro , After 10 years of expansion, we know less about Hungary than we do about the Pentagon, source :

[14] [Germany] Beate Kohler-Koch et al.: European Integration and EU Governance [M]. Translated by Gu Junli, edited by Liu Liqun. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 2004: 328.

[15] [French] Alain Lamassoure, After Nice: What are the prospects for the European Union? [J]. ERA Forum,2 2001: 35-36.

[16] French newspaper Le Monde published an article on November 25, 2001, “Who Dares to Say No to EU Enlargement?”,Source :

[17] [ France ] Françoise de la Serre, The Eastward Enlargement of the European Union [J]. Source :

[18] On June 4, 1998, the French National Assembly held an international seminar on "European Enlargement and Institutional Reform". Here is a quote from the speech made by Jack Lang, then Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the French National Assembly. French National Assembly website:

[19] Jacques Chirac, “Total Europe” website:

[20] [French] Elsa Tulmets, "Germany, EU enlargement and neighbourhood policy: between multilateralism and bilateralism"[J].

Source :

[21] Ibid.

[22] On October 4, 2000, the French major newspaper Les Echos published an article titled "Chirac and Schröder call for rapid eastward expansion of the European Union" ( Chirac et Schröder appellent à un élargissement rapide de l'Union européenne à l'Est ) ,


[23] Steven Philip Kramer, The End of French Europe? [J]. Foreign Affaires, Vol. 85, No. 4 (Jul.-Aug. 2006): 128-134.

[24] [French] Elsa Tulmets, "Germany, EU enlargement and neighbourhood policy: between multilateralism and bilateralism"[J]. Source :

[25] Steven Philip Kramer, The End of French Europe? [J]. Foreign Affaires, Vol. 85, No. 4 (Jul.-Aug. 2006): 128-134.

[26] Jacques Chirac, Total Europe website:

[27] Qiu Yuanlun. Reform of the EU Common Agricultural Policy[J]. Qiushi.2003(8):59.

[28] French Ministry of Agriculture website:,2426.

[29] Franz Fischler, Austrian who was then the EU Agriculture Commissioner, responded to Chirac in 2003. Source: French magazine Nouvelobs ,website:

[30] French Senate website:

[31] Pierre Moscovici, French Minister for EU Affairs, recalled that Chirac's biggest concern at the Berlin Summit was the common agricultural policy. He once shouted to everyone (including German Chancellor Schröder): "Don't touch my wheat!", "I want my calves!" Chirac's almost fanatical attitude towards agriculture almost made Schröder collapse: "I can't stand it anymore, you just take care of your calves!" Source:

[32] On October 25, 2002, "UE: Chirac et Schröder lève l'obstacle", the major French newspaper Libération published an article titled. Source:

[33] The author has compiled this information based on information from multiple sources.

[34] [French]Vivien Pertusot, "The policy of enlargement is only administrative, without political will".


[35] On November 1, 2002, the French Ministry of Agriculture website published the article in the French Agricultural Bulletin, No. 2958: "Accord Schröder-Chirac: What are the benefits for farmers?" ,








How to Cite

Liu, J. (2024). Study on France and EU Eastward Expansion. Journal of Computing and Electronic Information Management, 15(3), 163-167.