Minority Clothing Recognition based on Improved DenseNet
Minority clothing, Image recognition, DenseNet, Attention mechanismAbstract
In response to the difficulty of minority clothing recognition in China, this paper proposes an SE-DenseNet-LR recognition model. This model replaces the ReLU activation function in each dense connection block with the Leaky ReLU function, which has the advantages of faster convergence speed, better generalization ability, and mitigating gradient disappearance in model training. The SE (Squeeze-and-Excitation) attention mechanism is added after each convolutional layer in each dense connection block to obtain more important feature information. The convolutional layers in the connection layers are replaced with dilated convolutions to increase the receptive field. The model also employs learning rate decay and image dataset augmentation strategies to prevent overfitting. Experimental results show that the SE-DenseNet-LR model achieves an accuracy of 84.35% in recognizing 20 categories of minority clothing, which is 2.35%, 2.66%, and 1.88% higher than the recognition accuracies of ResNet18, ResNet34, and DenseNet models, respectively. This model has strong feature extraction ability and robustness, which lays a good foundation for minority clothing recognition.
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