The Influence of Chinese Ideology Education on Character Development Among University Students in A Province


  • Jing Bai
  • Jesse Balinas



Chinese Students, Ideology Education, Character, Impression, University


Character development is a continuous and developmental process shaped by educational experiences and learning. As character development remains a high priority for educators, this study explores the impact of Chinese Ideology Education on the character formation of university students in A Province. This study acknowledges the objective laws governing character formation among university students. To analyze the role of ideology education courses in shaping the character of university students in A Province, quantitative research methods will be employed. By identifying influencing factors, the research seeks to contribute valuable insights into the nexus between ideology education and character development. The findings of this study will not only shed light on the vital role of ideology education in universities but also address the societal and internal demands for student growth and success. The research proposes new requirements for enhancing character cultivation in the new era, delineating these requirements across three dimensions:  teaching methods, teaching goals and teaching evaluation.


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How to Cite

Bai, J., & Balinas, J. (2024). The Influence of Chinese Ideology Education on Character Development Among University Students in A Province. Journal of Education and Educational Research, 7(1), 157-162.