Benchmarks of Instructional Leadership of Teachers in Transitioning to the New Normal of Selected Universities in China


  • Yesheng Yu
  • Neliza Cayaban



Benchmark, Instructional Leadership, New Normal


Within the dynamic landscape of post-COVID education, this study delves into instructional leadership in the selected universities in Zhejiang Province, China, with a focus on the unique experiences and best practices of college English teachers. The qualitative methodology employed involves in-depth interviews with selected college English teachers. Through qualitative analysis, the study aims to explore the unique experiences of college teachers in transitioning to the new normal in terms of curriculum, instruction, and assessment. The lessons learned could establish the benchmarks of instructional leadership of college teachers in transitioning to the new normal.


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How to Cite

Yu, Y., & Cayaban, N. (2024). Benchmarks of Instructional Leadership of Teachers in Transitioning to the New Normal of Selected Universities in China. Journal of Education and Educational Research, 8(2), 5-8.