Leisure Sports Involvement and Personal Development Engagement
Leisure Sport Personal Development, Self-awareness, Self-assurance, Self-worth, Self-motivation, Self-examinationAbstract
This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between students' involvement in recreational sports and their individual growth, with a specific emphasis on self-awareness, self-assurance, self-worth, self-motivation, and self-examination. Information was gathered from a group of student participants using standardized questionnaires that assessed their views on parental and family support, peer interaction, the sports environment, and financial needs associated with sports participation. Furthermore, the participants in the study evaluated their level of personal development involvement in relation to the aspects indicated before. The findings revealed a level of neutrality in the sense of parental and family support, pleasant relationships among peers, a favorable atmosphere in sports, and moderate difficulties related to budgetary constraints. Student respondents exhibited moderate levels of self-awareness, positive self-confidence and self-esteem, and a neutral to positive attitude towards self-motivation and self-reflection in relation to their participation in personal development. Although the overall correlations between engagement in leisure sports and personal development were found to be weak, indicating a subtle association, further investigation is necessary to comprehend the intricate mechanisms at play. The aforementioned findings highlight the necessity of implementing comprehensive support programs that target financial limitations, bolster self-motivation, and acknowledge the diverse factors that impact the development of young individuals outside their involvement in sports.
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