Supporting Teachers’ Retention Through Influence of Leadership Dimension and Job Satisfaction Towards the Principle of Best Practice
Leadership, Teaches’ Job Satisfaction, Leadership AbilityAbstract
This study determined the leadership dimension of the school administrators as the entry point to explore the influence on teachers' job satisfaction and their decision for retention. This study collected questionnaire data of teachers from 5 universities in Guangxi Province, sorted out and analyzed the demographic characteristics of teachers, the self-evaluation of teachers' job satisfaction, the evaluation of school administrators' leadership ability, and the correlation and differences of related factors. The research results show that administrators' leadership dimensions seem to work against teachers' differing personalities. The researcher recommends encouraging teachers to open dialogue with school administrators; school administrators could initiate activities for team building and provide training to attain esprit de corp and nurture collegiality on the campus that can resonate in the faculty rooms and classrooms. This fosters a culture of belonging within the learning environment and invites regular resource persons for personal and professional guidance to address individual issues.
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