The Effect of Fitness Yoga on Health Fitness of Female College Students: An Experimental Study


  • Yanghua Li
  • Norita E. Manly (Adviser)



Fitness Yoga, Female College Students, Physical Health


This study investigates the impact of fitness yoga interventions on the physical health of female college students in China. Through an 8-week program involving 35 participants, changes in body composition, cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength, and flexibility were assessed before and after the intervention. Results indicate significant improvements in BMI, cardiopulmonary fitness, muscular strength, and flexibility post-intervention, highlighting the efficacy of fitness yoga in enhancing overall physical health among female college students. These findings underscore the importance of integrating yoga interventions into educational settings to promote holistic well-being among young adults.


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How to Cite

Li, Y., & Manly (Adviser), N. E. (2024). The Effect of Fitness Yoga on Health Fitness of Female College Students: An Experimental Study. Journal of Education and Educational Research, 8(3), 519-524.