Exploring Coach-Athlete Relationships in University Basketball and Their Influence on Athlete Growth and Success Towards Building Champions


  • Miao Wang




Coach-Athlete Relationship, University Basketball, Athlete Growth, Coaching Philosophy


In order to study the relationship between coaches and players in college basketball and its impact on the growth and success of athletes, this paper investigated all the players of the basketball team of Yulin University. The interviewed athletes identified the relationship between their coach and athlete relationship and athlete growth and success. In this study, a combination of face-to-face survey and quantitative analysis was used to collect and compare data. There are 34 basketball players in the school, all of them selected as the study sample. The results are as follows: 1). Based from the findings of the study, the researcher came up with the following conclusions: 2). Majority of the athletes are male of not more than twenty-two years of age from level 1 and have been playing basketball for few years. 3). The dynamic and interpersonal connection between the coach and the basketball athletes is highly evident among the teams. 4). Basketball athletes have relatively the same perceptions on the coach-athlete relationships regardless of their sex, age, year level, and years of basketball experience.5). The growth and success of the basketball athletes is highly influenced by the coaching and the athletes’ experiences in the field of basketball sports. 6). Athletes have relatively the same assessment on their growth and success regardless of their sex, age, year level, and years of experience in basketball. 7). The growth and success of the basketball athletes is highly influenced by how the coaches and the athletes are being connected which involves communication, trust, mutual respect, and the exchange of feedback. This paper provides valuable insights and evidence-based strategies for both coaches and athletes to refine their techniques and ultimately improve athlete performance and personal growth. The research can enhance the ability of coaches, inspire athletes, provide information for managers, and promote the research of sports psychology, and ultimately promote the overall growth and success of college basketball players.


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How to Cite

Wang, M. (2024). Exploring Coach-Athlete Relationships in University Basketball and Their Influence on Athlete Growth and Success Towards Building Champions. Journal of Education and Educational Research, 9(1), 40-43. https://doi.org/10.54097/r27d5617