Exploring the Role of Emotional Intelligence in Effective School Leadership


  • Xiaoqing Yuan




Emotional Intelligence, School Leadership, Developmental programs


This study set out to explore the influence of EI on leadership practices, decision-making, and overall leadership effectiveness. Through a correlational research design, the study engaged 285 teachers to provide insights into the manifestation of EI in school leadership and its perceived impact. The findings of this study, the study advocates for the "Leadership Excellence through Emotional Intelligence (LEEI)" program, aimed at enhancing the EI competencies of school leaders to foster improved leadership dynamics within educational settings. This recommendation aligns with the evidence underscoring EI as a cornerstone of leadership efficacy, suggesting that investment in such developmental programs can lead to significant advancements in educational leadership.


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How to Cite

Yuan, X. (2024). Exploring the Role of Emotional Intelligence in Effective School Leadership. Journal of Education and Educational Research, 9(1), 47-56. https://doi.org/10.54097/hezbzd26