Professional Coaching among Trainers and Sports Adaptability among Students in an Institute in China
Sport coaching professionalism, sports adaptability, sports education, trainingAbstract
This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the level of sports coaching professionalism exhibited by the PE instructors and the sports adaptability of students. Profile of the student respondents, their assessment on their instructors’level of sports coaching professionalism, their current level of sports adaptability, differences in their assessments when their profile is taken as test factor, and the relationship between the instructors’level of sports coaching professionalism and the students’level of sports adaptability were also determined. The questionnaire was administered to a sample of 378 students. The result indicates that instructors exhibited a high level of sports coaching professionalism as assessed by the student respondents. And students exhibited a high level of sports adaptability based on their own assessment. Moreover, the result indicates that the level of sports coaching professionalism of instructors in terms of specialized training, exclusivity, adherence to a code of ethics, acquisition of specific credentials, and coach-student relationships were found to be significantly correlated to a very high degree with the students’level of sports adaptability specifically in terms of environmental adaptability, practice adaptability, perceptual-cognitive skills, and psychological resilience. This is taken to mean that the level of sports coaching professionalism of instructors can have a great impact on the students’level of sports adaptability. The findings of this study helped the researcher on the proposed development plan to further enhance the role of professional sports coaching in improving sports adaptability among the students.
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