Transformational leadership practices and achievement motivation: towards a leadership athletic excellence program
Transformational leadership, Achievement motivation, AthleticAbstract
This study assessed coaches' transformational leadership practices and student athletes' achievement motivation within the confines of Chengdu Sport University (CDSU), Chengdu, Sichuan, China. The respondents of the study were student athletes who compete in a variety of sports at Chengdu Sport University, specifically volleyball (men and women), swimming, athletics, aerobics, basketball (men and women), tennis, badminton, table tennis, football (men and women) and cheering squad. Based on the conclusions derived in this study, the following are the recommendations: The study suggests that coaches should tailor their strategies to meet the preferences of male student athletes aged 18-23, particularly in higher education settings. They should also encourage transformational leadership behavior, offering professional development opportunities and ongoing support. The study also suggests that a universal leadership approach promoting positive coaching styles can be effective across diverse athlete demographics. The study also suggests that achievement motivation among student athletes is high, and that coaches can use universally applicable motivational coaching strategies. The study also recommends ongoing feedback and communication between coaches and athletes, promoting a dynamic and adaptable coaching environment. The researcher is in favor of the LAE program primarily because it has the ability to strengthen coach abilities, foster a supportive team environment, and boost athlete motivation.
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