Teaching and Soccer Training: basis for Career Development for Teachers in China


  • Huijun Li




Pre-service Teaching, Soccer Education, Technique, Game Intelligence, Physical Fitness, Proper Mindset


This study seeks to explore the correlation between the pre-service teaching preparation of respondents and their actual practice in the field, with a focus on soccer education through utilizing qualitative correlation research design. Specifically, it aims to assess respondents' perceptions of their pre-service preparation and actual practices in terms of technique, game intelligence, physical fitness, and proper mindset. The result highlights that there are strong correlations between pre-service preparation and actual teaching practice in terms of technique (r=.513, p<.001), game intelligence (r=.536, p<.001), physical fitness (r=.498, p<.001), and proper mindset (r=.455, p<.001). These findings imply that the quality of pre-service preparation influences teachers' performance in these areas during actual teaching practice. Finally, this study endeavors to provide insights into the optimization of pre-service training and the formulation of targeted career advancement strategies in the domain of soccer coaching within the Physical Education context.


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How to Cite

Li , H., & DAPAT, R. O. (2024). Teaching and Soccer Training: basis for Career Development for Teachers in China. Journal of Education and Educational Research, 9(1), 391-403. https://doi.org/10.54097/fbn56a96