Kung fu in martial arts education: pedagogical approaches and effectiveness


  • Haifeng Han




Pedagogical Approaches, Supportive Environment, Good Instruction Personal Safety Considerations


This study investigates the beliefs and determinants that impact students' inclination to pursue further training in Kung Fu, a traditional form of martial arts. By conducting a thorough examination of demographic characteristics, pedagogical efficacy, and factors influencing training continuance, valuable insights were obtained. Most of the participants were males aged 18 to 25 and had 1-2 years of training experience. Evaluation of teaching methods indicated low efficacy ratings in several domains of Kung Fu instruction. Gender and age did not show any significant variations, but the period of training had a substantial impact on the perceived efficacy. The factors that affect the continuance of training, such as a supportive environment, good instruction, and personal safety considerations, were given poor average ratings. Nevertheless, there were no notable disparities detected in relation to gender or age. However, there was variation in the duration of training. A robust positive association was discovered between the efficiency of teaching methods and the elements that contribute to the continuation of training. These findings highlight the need for specific outreach efforts, updated teaching methods, customized instruction, and supportive learning settings to improve Kung Fu training experiences and encourage long-term participation.


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How to Cite

Han, H. (2024). Kung fu in martial arts education: pedagogical approaches and effectiveness . Journal of Education and Educational Research, 9(1), 454-458. https://doi.org/10.54097/k3t22g28