The Impact of Non-Stationary Training on the Balance Ability of College Students in Dancesports
Non-stationary Training, Balance Ability, DancesportsAbstract
The study explored the factors of unstable training on the balance ability of dancesports. This also found out the balance ability and unstable training has a significant impact on the stability of dancesports students, thus making them valuable to a proposed training program for students. This study used a quantitative-descriptive-comparative research method to evaluate the development of non-stationary training and balance ability in dancesports among students in Guilin University of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in the first and second years, and the evaluation results could be used as reference for future activities. The study revealed significant impact on the non-stationary training and balance ability of college students as to their age, level and sex, with consistent rating for each indicator. Moreover, the balance ability of students was performed signifying the developmental level which opens for improvements in various balance ability tests. Therefore, a recommended training design/matrix is needed and adapted.
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