A Systematic Review of Speech Fluency Measurement in L2 Monologues and Dialogues


  • Wen Huang




L2 Monologues and Dialogues, Speech Fluency Measurement, Systematic Review, Skehan's (2003)


This study synthesises measures of L2 speech fluency in both monologues and dialogues. About monologue fluency measurement, we provide a synthesis of measurement based on Skehan's (2003) three dimensions (speed, breakdown, and repair) and discrepancies among scholars. As for dialogue fluency, the limited number of studies precludes a conclusion of well-established measurement. Furthermore, the reasons for the paucity of studies in this area are elucidated. The study revealed inconsistencies in the standardisation and methodological definitions employed by scholars in monologue fluency research, resulting in a lack of uniformity in the data collected. Concerning dialogues, there is a notable absence of theoretical and operational frameworks.


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How to Cite

Huang, W. (2024). A Systematic Review of Speech Fluency Measurement in L2 Monologues and Dialogues. Journal of Education and Educational Research, 10(2), 95-100. https://doi.org/10.54097/xwbj5n07