Investigation on Reasons for Normal University Students' Willingness to Enter Teaching Employment in the Post-Pandemic Era
Post-pandemic Era, Normal University Student Employment, Reasons for Entering Teaching Profession, Education ReformAbstract
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the global economy and society, both during the pandemic and in the post-pandemic era. Against this background, normal university students, as the main force in cultivating educational talents, have attracted attention regarding their employment intentions. This study focuses on normal university students from a university in Zhejiang province. By investigating and collecting relevant data through interviews and questionnaires, the study explores the reasons for the employment intentions of students under the influence of the pandemic, aiming to discuss methods to enhance the employment management level of normal graduates. The survey results indicate that due to the pandemic, the employment opportunities for normal university students are limited. However, their enthusiasm for the education sector remains undiminished, and a sense of social responsibility persists. They also demonstrate a strong interest in education reform and innovation. Therefore, various measures should be taken to increase the employment opportunities and satisfaction of normal university students, thereby promoting the development of the education sector.
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