Analysis of University English Teachers' Willingness to Use Artificial Intelligence and Its Influencing Factors: Based on Grounded Theory


  • Xiwen Zhong



Artificial Intelligence, University English Teachers, Willingness to Use, Influencing Factors, Grounded Theory


With the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, its application in the education field is becoming increasingly widespread. This study aims to analyze university English teachers' willingness to use AI and its influencing factors. By exploring university English teachers' willingness to use AI through the qualitative research method of grounded theory, we analyze the underlying influencing factors. The analysis reveals that university English teachers' willingness to use AI tools is influenced by risk perception, external factors, and personal factors. Risk perception includes perceived technological anxiety, information quality perception, self-risk perception, and information security perception, which are negatively correlated with teachers' willingness to use AI; external factors include school training, AI development trends, and community influence, which indirectly affect teachers' willingness to use AI; while personal factors, including risk concerns, personal biases, and individual abilities, have a decisive impact on their willingness to use AI in the classroom.


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How to Cite

Zhong, X. (2024). Analysis of University English Teachers’ Willingness to Use Artificial Intelligence and Its Influencing Factors: Based on Grounded Theory. Journal of Education and Educational Research, 11(3), 55-58.