Analysis of Off-school Education Issues for Secondary School Students and Suggestions for Countermeasures in China


  • Danzhao Liu
  • Fernandina Penecilla Otchengco



Off-school Education, Chaos, Countermeasures, Mechanism


Behind the prosperity of off-school education for secondary school students in China, there are many chaos, resulting in the severe situation of "reducing the burden within the school and increasing the burden outside the school", seriously disrupting and impacting the order of quality education in secondary schools. It is necessary to analyze the current situation and problems of off-school education for secondary school students, explore ways and measures to solve the chaos of off-school education, and truly reduce the excessive learning burden of secondary school students. The main work of this article is as follows: (1) Discuss the connotation and content of off-school education; (2) Clarify the multifaceted influencing factors of China's off-school education issues; (3) Develop countermeasures to address issues related to off-school education.


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How to Cite

Liu, D., & Otchengco, F. P. (2024). Analysis of Off-school Education Issues for Secondary School Students and Suggestions for Countermeasures in China. Journal of Education and Educational Research, 11(3), 65-72.