"Quantifying the Impact of Football Program Participation on the Holistic Development of Middle School Students: Basis for Training Program Initiatives"


  • Chenxiang Xia




Football Program, Student Development, Quantitative Analysis, Physical Fitness, Educational Policy


This study examines the effects of a football program on the overall development of middle school students aged 18-19. Using a quantitative approach, the research aims to measure how regular participation in the program influences various aspects of student growth, including physical fitness, emotional well-being, social interaction, and cognitive skills. To assess these outcomes, students underwent evaluations before and after participating in the program, with the data analyzed through statistical tools. The study uses Jamovi software to compare the results and identify any significant changes. The goal is to provide concrete evidence of the positive role sports can play in education, offering insights that could help shape future policies focused on student development through physical activity.


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How to Cite

Xia, C. (2024). "Quantifying the Impact of Football Program Participation on the Holistic Development of Middle School Students: Basis for Training Program Initiatives". Journal of Education and Educational Research, 11(3), 73-89. https://doi.org/10.54097/ph9g3m89