Research on the Collaborative Education of Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Chinese Private Universities
Chinese Private Universities, Ideological and Political Theory Courses, Collaborative EducationAbstract
In the context of education in the new era, the development of Chinese private universities has been attracting ever-increasing attention. As the core courses for cultivating students' moral character and values in colleges and universities, the collaborative education efficacy of ideological and political theory courses holds significant sway over the quality of talent cultivation in private universities. This paper endeavors to conduct an in-depth exploration into the current status, challenges, and optimization pathways of the collaborative education of ideological and political theory courses in Chinese private universities. Through comprehensive analysis, it is revealed that there exist a multitude of issues in the collaborative education of ideological and political theory courses in private universities, such as feeble collaborative awareness, sluggish platform construction, and defective institutional mechanisms. In light of these problems, corresponding optimization strategies have been formulated, which encompass enhancing the awareness of collaborative education, constructing diverse collaborative education platforms, and refining the institutional mechanisms of collaborative education, with the anticipation of furnishing valuable references for private universities to elevate the level of collaborative education of ideological and political theory courses.
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