An Initial Exploration of College English Collaborative Writing Teaching Model Based on Scaffold Theory


  • Tingting Wang



Scaffolding Theory, Collaborative Writing, English Writing Instruction


Current college English writing instruction faces problems such as outdated teaching models and limited feedback mechanisms, which hinder the development of students’ writing skills. This paper, reflecting on the current state of writing instruction, integrates scaffolding theory with collaborative writing, and then proposes a teaching model consisting of five key stages: context setting, scaffolding, collaborative writing, feedback and evaluation, and independent writing. By adopting scientific grouping and constructing linguistic scaffolds as well as cognitive framework scaffolds, instructors aim to effectively enhance students’ writing proficiency, critical thinking abilities, and collaborative abilities.


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How to Cite

Wang, T. (2024). An Initial Exploration of College English Collaborative Writing Teaching Model Based on Scaffold Theory. Journal of Education and Educational Research, 11(3), 131-133.