Marketing Strategy Plan of Coca-Cola Company in the UK


  • Shujun Meng



Marketing Strategy Plan, Coca-Cola Company, Market & Brand Analysis, Market Segmentation, Innovation Activities, Resources Allocation


Marketing is crucial to the success of an enterprise. This report is to develop a marketing strategy plan for Coca-Cola company, including seven parts: introduction, situation analysis, market segmentation, innovation, resource allocation, conclusion and recommendation. Situational analysis includes macro-environmental factors, such as policy, economy, society and technology; Industry elements like competitors, suppliers and substitutes; Internal factors, such as the strengths and weaknesses of Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola divided the market into different segments and target each segment with suitable products, which including provides Coca Cola range with different varieties for age segment (18-35); Multiple size of bottles target family size segment; Multiple bottles with different materials target income group; Sugar and calories-free drink target health-conscious group; “Christmas Celebration Bottle Bow” target specific occasion - Christmas. In terms of innovation, Coca-Cola launched new products, including Coca-Cola energy, Simply smoothie and Honest cold brew coffee. Moreover, it also developed new packaging material which is KeelClip™ and is going to replace all the plastic packaging from all can multi-packs. In addition, Coca-Cola innovated its service, which is the adding of loyalty scheme to vending machine. Coca-Cola uses financial planning model to determine the budget and other resources that should be allocated to each project, it invested lots of money into Diet coke and new packaging technology. The recommendation for the future development is expanding markets to health and food areas as well as target other age group (50-54) and introduce suitable products.


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How to Cite

Meng, S. (2024). Marketing Strategy Plan of Coca-Cola Company in the UK. Journal of Innovation and Development, 6(2), 34-41.