A Review of Research on the Effects of Employee Workplace Micro-breaks on Job Performance


  • Guoyu Zhang




Workplace micro-breaks, Job performance, Emotional mechanism, Recovery mechanism, Cognitive input.


Although long hours and high work intensity ensure work progress to a certain extent, they tend to cause physical and mental fatigue, which ultimately affects work performance. Studies have shown that appropriate breaks between work can restore physical fitness, concentration and other bodily functions to maintain good working conditions. However, there are many organizational managers who believe that such micro-break activities are counterproductive, slowing down work progress and ultimately affecting productivity. Based on these two different attitudes, this paper decided to collect and summarize the recent literature on workplace micro-breaks and employee performance to investigate whether and through which pathways micro-breaks can improve employee performance.


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How to Cite

Zhang, G. (2024). A Review of Research on the Effects of Employee Workplace Micro-breaks on Job Performance. Journal of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, 37, 123-133. https://doi.org/10.54097/z4prd435