Research on the Relationship Between Provincial OFDI And Carbon Emissions Under Dual Carbon Targets

Empirical Evidence from China's Provincial Data


  • Yanzhihui Cao
  • Jingwen Yao
  • Siyu Yin
  • Jiabao Luo



Foreign direct investment, Carbon emissions, Ordinary panel analysis.


With the development of economic globalization and China's continuous high-quality development, China's global status continues to rise, driving more and more companies to "go out" to conduct foreign direct investment overseas in order to seek a larger market, in the face of the two major tasks of "economic development" and "achieving dual carbon goals", studying the impact of foreign direct investment on my country's carbon dioxide emissions has a very important reality for whether our country can achieve economic transformation and fulfill its emission reduction commitments. and guiding significance. Therefore, this article based on the panel data of energy consumption in 30 provinces and regions in China from 2004 to 2019 . At the same time, per capita GDP, technological level, industrial structure, etc. were selected as control variables, a fixed effect model was established, and an empirical analysis was conducted on the carbon emission effects of my country's foreign direct investment by region and time period. Empirical analysis results show that: The increase in the scale of OFDI will promote the increase of carbon dioxide emissions in China, but there are significant differences in the carbon emission effects of various regions. The carbon emission effect of foreign direct investment in the eastern and western regions is significantly higher than that in the central region. Over time, the expansion of foreign direct investment will reduce the increase in carbon dioxide emissions it brings. In addition, the improvement of per capita GDP and industrial structure will increase carbon dioxide emissions, while the improvement of technological level will significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Finally, reasonable policy suggestions are given based on the results of empirical analysis and the current situation of foreign direct investment and domestic carbon dioxide emissions.


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How to Cite

Cao, Y., Yao, J., Yin, S., & Luo, J. (2023). Research on the Relationship Between Provincial OFDI And Carbon Emissions Under Dual Carbon Targets: Empirical Evidence from China’s Provincial Data. Academic Journal of Science and Technology, 8(1), 269-277.