Research Progress on the Effect of Exogenous Additives Treatment on the Synthesis of Plant Secondary Metabolites


  • Guotian Chen



Plant secondary metabolites; Exogenous additives; Plant hormones.


Plant secondary metabolites play an important role in plants' response to environmental changes and stress conditions. Exogenous additives such as plant hormones, chemical elicitors, and natural extracts can significantly affect the synthesis and function of these secondary metabolites by regulating gene expression and signal transduction pathways, providing new strategies for enhancing plant stress resistance and optimizing the production of secondary metabolites. This study reviews the effects of exogenous additives on the synthesis of plant secondary metabolites, including plant hormones, ion stress, and their synergistic effects with environmental factors. Exogenous additives significantly affect the types and contents of secondary metabolites by regulating metabolic pathways, activating defense mechanisms, and optimizing metabolic networks. In addition, the combined application of different exogenous additives and their synergistic effects with environmental factors can effectively improve plant stress resistance and optimize the production of secondary metabolites. The study suggests that future research should further develop and apply new exogenous elicitors and strengthen the study of their potential side effects and long-term impacts to achieve sustainable optimization of secondary metabolite production. It also provides important technical support for the development and processing of functional foods, helping to produce food products with higher nutritional value and health benefits.


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How to Cite

Chen, G. (2025). Research Progress on the Effect of Exogenous Additives Treatment on the Synthesis of Plant Secondary Metabolites. Academic Journal of Science and Technology, 14(1), 136-144.