Simulation Analysis of Powered Parachute Motion Characteristics based on Motor Thrust and Flap Deflection Control
Distributed Layout, Dynamic Modelling, Simulation System, CharacterisationAbstract
In this paper, a distributed new type of parafoil is proposed, conducting its dynamic modeling and motion characteristic analysis, thereby laying the foundation for subsequent trajectory tracking research and physical experimentation. First, the dynamics of the parafoil and payload are analyzed, and the dynamic model of the entire parafoil system is derived from this analysis. Then, the kinematic characteristics under control inputs of bilateral pull-down, unilateral pull-down, and unilateral pull-down with differential thrust are examined using the simulation model; Simulation results indicate that the established 8-DOF dynamic model accurately describes the parafoil's motion. The proposed differential control increases yaw motion response speed and provides a basis for subsequent trajectory tracking research and physical experiments. The proposed differential control enhances the yaw motion response speed and reduces the relative motion between the wing parachute and payload to a certain extent. Simulation analysis verifies the model's validity and the control method's feasibility.
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