Research on the Development Situation and Strategy of Elderly Art Education in China

Based on SWOT Analysis


  • Qin Zhang
  • Muhammad Firdaus Ramli



Elderly, Art education, SWOT.


In this article, we will analyze the development situation and strategy of elderly art education in China based on SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis is a widely used method for evaluating the internal and external strengths and weaknesses of organizations, as well as identifying opportunities and threats. By applying SWOT analysis to the development of elderly art education in China, we can better understand the current situation and future development trends, and formulate appropriate strategies to promote the development of elderly art education.


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15 January 2024




How to Cite

Zhang, Q., & Muhammad Firdaus Ramli. (2024). Research on the Development Situation and Strategy of Elderly Art Education in China: Based on SWOT Analysis. International Journal of Education and Humanities, 12(1), 14-18.