The Influence of Parent-child relationship on Depression Level in Junior Middle School Students: Loneliness as A Mediator


  • Shijie Zhou



Parent-child relationship, Depression level, Loneliness level, Junior high school student.



The objective of this research is to reveal the influence of parent-child relationship on depression level of junior high school students, and to explore the mechanism of loneliness in that relationship. The study mainly adopts the questionnaire method. A total of 589 students from grade one to grade three were surveyed by using the parent-child intimacy questionnaire, the simplified Center for Depression Scale and the UCLA Loneliness Scale, and the data were analyzed by SPSS software and PROCESS plug-in. The survey data proves that the parent-child relationship can predict the depression level of junior middle school students negatively. After the variable of loneliness is introduced, there is a pairwise correlation between the three factors. The parent-child relationship can predict their loneliness negatively in junior high students. And the correlation between loneliness and depression level is significant positive. Meanwhile, loneliness can be a mediator in the relationship between those two variables.


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15 January 2024




How to Cite

Zhou, S. (2024). The Influence of Parent-child relationship on Depression Level in Junior Middle School Students: Loneliness as A Mediator. International Journal of Education and Humanities, 12(1), 76-79.