Cultural Leadership and Cultural Intelligence Level of School Administrators Towards a Culturally Responsive Leadership Action Program
Cultural leadership, cultural intelligence, culturally responsive action program.Abstract
Many of the challenges that cultural leaders need to navigate are common to those faced by leaders in other areas of social and economic life. How to stay solvent in an ongoing financial crisis. How to engage with digitally connected, networked individuals. How to work in less carbon intensive, environmentally sustainable ways. But cultural organizations are different from other organizations and as such face their own distinctive challenges.Based on the importance of cultural intelligence and cultural leadership concepts, the researcher assumes that it is necessary to investigate whether there is a relationship between school administrators’ cultural intelligence levels and cultural leadership, as perceived by their teachers and administrators themselves. This study determined the cultural leadership behavior and cultural intelligence levels of administrators and their cultural intelligence level as perceived by their teachers and themselves. The results of the study became the basis in developing a culturally responsive leadership action program for administrators.
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