Mindfulness Level, Subjective Well Being, and Psychological Resilience among College Students
College students, Mindfulness level, Subjective well-being, Psychological resilience.Abstract
A total of 816 college students in Shandong Province of China were investigated with the five factor mindfulness scale (FFMQ), the Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) and the subjective well-being scale (SWB) to explore the influence mechanism of mindfulness on subjective well-being. Spss26.0 was used to analyze the collected data, the results were as follows: Chinese college students' mindfulness level can positively predict subjective well-being, psychological resilience can positively predict subjective well-being, mindfulness level can positively predict psychological resilience, and mindfulness level can affect subjective well-being through psychological resilience, and constructed an intervention plan to enhance the subjective well-being of college students.
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