Bullying Behavior and Depressive Symptoms Among College Students: The Role of School Climate Perception
Bullying experience; Perceived school climate; Depression.Abstract
OBJECTIVE: To examine the relationship between bullying experience, perception of school climate, and depression. METHODS: The bullying experience questionnaire, the school climate perception questionnaire, and the Streaming Center Depression Scale were used to survey 451 college students. RESULTS: (1) There was a significant negative correlation between bullying experience and school climate perception (r = -0.204, p < 0.01), a significant positive correlation between bullying experience and depression (r = 0.349, p < 0.01), and a significant negative correlation between school climate perception and depression (r = -0.431, p < 0.01); (2) The direct predictive effect on depression (B=0.305,SE=0.047***), a significant predictive effect of school climate perception on depression (B=-0.319,SE=0.035***), and a significant direct predictive effect of bullying experience on school climate perception (B=-0.268,SE=0.061***). The mediating effect value for school climate perception was 0.086, which accounted for 22.05% of the overall effect. CONCLUSION: Bullying experience may be a high-risk predictor of depression, while school climate perception plays a protective role. School climate perception plays a mediating role in the effect of bullying experience on depression, and can be improved to help college students cope with depression and other psychological problems.
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