English Translation of Long and Difficult Sentences from the Perspective of Analytic Interpretation Theory: An Example of Political Texts


  • Yanyun Pan
  • Yajun Qi




Long difficult sentences, The interpretive theory, The Interpretative Triangle Model, English translation, visualization, Polity texts.


Long and difficult sentences, is the key to text comprehension. It is committed to foster the apprehension based on quick in uptake of English difficult sentences in translation process for translators referring to applying the three links of the paraphrase theory triangle model to analyze the sentence structure of difficult sentences, including component repetition, and cultural differences in difficult sentences. For the sentence to be taking the situation light on appropriate theoretical guidance, systematic analysis and specific ways, the thesis endeavors to conduct a cognitive study in the length and difficulty definition, and divides the sentences following the definition into two types, “V + type” and “A + type”, to carry out a comparative analysis of the predicate part, supplemented by a comparative analysis in the Interpretative Triangle Model. Through comparative analysis, the fuzzy process of the appearance ignored the precise forms is made to supplement, that provides inspiration and methods for exploring the optimal solution of English translation in Long and difficult sentences.


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15 January 2024




How to Cite

Pan, Y., & Qi, Y. (2024). English Translation of Long and Difficult Sentences from the Perspective of Analytic Interpretation Theory: An Example of Political Texts. International Journal of Education and Humanities, 12(1), 288-291. https://doi.org/10.54097/65w0bk55