History Implementation and Integration of National Consciousness


  • Mingya Zhang




History Implementation, Integration Of National Consciousness, History course.


 The research content covers the level at which history teachers implement national awareness in history courses, including course content and structure, teaching methods and strategies, student participation and interaction, assessment and feedback mechanisms, course resources and support, etc. In addition, the level of history teachers' ability to integrate national consciousness into Chinese college students' history courses was also evaluated, focusing on the mastery of historical knowledge, the recognition and acceptance of multiculturalism, the sense of national identity, the perception of the impact of historical events on national consciousness, and the understanding of history. Critical thinking and interpretation of events, understanding of historical lessons on national unity and harmony. These areas lay the foundation for enhancing the national awareness of history teachers, improving the implementation level of history courses, and increasing development efficiency. This study randomly selected 327 history teachers and used a descriptive correlational design and the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) for data analysis. The results showed that the majority of the respondents were female (69.7%), and their ages were mainly distributed between 31 to 40 years old (37.9%) and 41 to 50 years old (19.6%). The majority of participants had a bachelor's degree (56.3%), and teachers with 11 to 15 years of teaching experience formed the largest group at 28.7%. Research conclusion: The evaluation of history teachers’ national consciousness can help improve the implementation level of history courses. Including course content and structure, teaching methods and strategies, student participation and interaction, assessment and feedback mechanisms, course resources and support, mastery of historical knowledge, awareness and acceptance of multiculturalism, national identity, and the perception of the impact of historical events on the nation Awareness, critical thinking and interpretation of historical events, understanding of history lessons for national unity and harmony. Ultimately, this improves the teaching standards of history teachers and integrates national awareness into the history curriculum.


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28 February 2024




How to Cite

Zhang, M., & MARIA LIRIA DACANAY. (2024). History Implementation and Integration of National Consciousness. International Journal of Education and Humanities, 12(3), 266-279. https://doi.org/10.54097/5jm0b216