University Students’ Attitudes Affecting Their engrossments in Physical Education Activities in a University in China


  • Ru Liu



Physical activity, Attitudes, Engrossments, motivation, determination, goal setting


Recent advances in technology have dramatically changed students' lifestyles, diverting their attention away from physical activity. This study examines students' attitudes towards physical activity and its impact on engrossments in a Chinese university. Using a description-comparation-correlation study design, a questionnaire was used, adapted from previous studies by Zeng et al. and Khan et al. The sample consisted of selected first-year to third-year students from a Chinese university. Statistical analysis including percentage, weighted mean, standard deviation, T-test, ANOVA, and Pearson correlation were used to interpret the data. Through questionnaires, background information on students' gender, grade, age, and course choices were collected, as well as data on their attitudes and engagement with physical activity. The results showed that students' attitudes towards physical activity showed intermediate levels in terms of motivation, determination and goal setting, and these attitudes significantly influenced how engaged they were in physical activity. The study found that although most students have a moderate level of commitment to physical education activities, the importance, motivation and expectations they place on these activities have a significant impact on their participation. In particular, students' motivation and determination have a strong impact on their engagement in physical activity. In addition, gender, age, grade, and course choice did not significantly differ in student attitudes and engagement. Based on these findings, the study makes recommendations such as strengthening physical education teacher training, adopting interactive games and team-building activities to increase student engagement, and encouraging cooperation and teamwork among students. These strategies aim to improve students' attitudes and participation in physical activity, thereby promoting their physical health and overall development.


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How to Cite

Liu, R. (2024). University Students’ Attitudes Affecting Their engrossments in Physical Education Activities in a University in China. Journal of Education and Educational Research, 9(1), 197-201.