study of caring behaviors in the classroom of higher education teachers


  • Yifan Wang



caring behavior in the classroom, teacher care, higher education teachers


This study uses interview method, observation method and questionnaire method to study the caring behavior of teachers in colleges and universities. The study randomly distributes questionnaires, interviews students of different majors and interviews and observes teachers of a college in Jilin Province to conduct the study and draw conclusions. The study found that some teachers' caring behavior in the classroom is insufficient and lack of attention to students' wishes and students' acceptance, and analyzed the main reasons from the three aspects of teachers, students and the environment. Finally, three strategies are proposed to deal with the above situation: (1). improve teachers' understanding of caring and strengthen the relationship between teachers and students; (2). innovate the form of education and teaching to improve the attractiveness of the classroom; (3). establish a fair educational evaluation mechanism to promote the fairness of caring.


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How to Cite

Wang, Y. (2024). study of caring behaviors in the classroom of higher education teachers. Journal of Education and Educational Research, 9(1), 286-288.