Study on the Application of Service-Learning Theory to Social Practice in Chinese Universities


  • Dong Wei



Service-learning, Social Practice, Colleges and Universities, Educational Management


This study discusses the application of service-learning theory in social practice in Chinese universities. By analyzing two typical case studies from Nankai University and Sichuan University, it reveals the ways of applying service-learning theory in Chinese university social practice, the implementation path and its positive effects on college students, universities and communities. The results show that the application of service-learning theory in Chinese social practice not only significantly improves college students' academic understanding and sense of civic responsibility, but also demonstrates positive results in cultivating college students' practical skills, interpersonal skills, and teamwork spirit and so on. At the same time, the university and the community have achieved two-way reciprocity. This study further points out that the application of service-learning theory to social practice can make up for the current problems of single content, weak reflection, and unsatisfactory results of social practice programs in Chinese universities. Based on this, the study proposes specific recommendations to promote the integration of service-learning theory and social practice, including emphasizing the education of civic responsibility, increasing social support, and strengthening the effective application of reflection mechanisms, which provide a new theoretical basis and practical strategy for improving the quality of social practice education in Chinese universities.


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How to Cite

Wei, D., & SARMIENTO, E. F. (2025). Study on the Application of Service-Learning Theory to Social Practice in Chinese Universities. Journal of Education and Educational Research, 12(1), 45-52.