Research on Meaning Construction of Multimodal Metaphors in Cartoons from the Perspective of Visual Grammar
-- Taking the Cartoons Anti-epidemic from China Daily as an Example
Multimodal Metaphor, Visual Grammar, Cartoons of China DailyAbstract
In recent years, the research of multimodal metaphor has been a research hotspot in metaphor research. From the perspective of multimodal metaphor, based on multimodal metaphor theory, the research takes the cartoons in China Daily about COVID-19 epidemic and the keywords “Fighting COVID-19 epidemic” as the research object. Then the analysis is carried out specifically by expounding the representational meaning, interactive meaning and compositional meaning of images, and then multimodal metaphor theory is used to analyze the deep meaning of such cartoons. According to those, the research objectively and appropriately interprets the multimodal information conveyed by the cartoons to further analyze the meaning construction of the multimodal metaphor in the cartoons.
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