The Application of Schema Theory to the Teaching of Reading Comprehension


  • Shiqin Ren



Schema theory, English reading teaching, Reading ability


No matter in middle or high school English learning, reading has been occupying a momentous part in four basic language skills in English. And reading teaching plays a significant role in cultivating students’ key competences. However, in the traditional teaching mode, teachers explain the text on the platform, analyze grammatical rules and words, then design classroom practice. Although the task is completed after a set of procedures, it is found that students’ learning outcome is at the low level. In a bid to keep abreast of the times, teaching mode should be improved. Recently, researchers have given prominence to schema theory teaching model in language teaching, which is conductive to promoting students’ reading ability. This paper analyzes the significance of applying schema theory in English reading and then puts forward some classroom teaching strategies in order to optimize English reading teaching and improve students’ reading ability.


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How to Cite

Ren, S. (2023). The Application of Schema Theory to the Teaching of Reading Comprehension. Journal of Education and Educational Research, 2(3), 86-88.